City-wide Prayer Call Every Tuesday 7:30 a.m.

New City-Wide Prayer Call Begins This Week

Join us for a new prayer call for people across the DFW area, starting Tuesday, August 11th.

Every Tuesday 7:30 a.m.

Call-in number: (701) 802-5085 

Access code 2860688 

Let us pray for peace and justice, but also for wisdom and action through the challenge of this pandemic.

Pray for peace in our city — so that the work of addressing injustices can be carried forward.

Pray for equity in our city as leaders make decisions that impact availability of testing and accessibility to excellent healthcare, especially among minority communities.

Pray for leaders — our mayor, county judge and commissioners, police chief, state and national leaders — who need wisdom, strength, and humility to guide us through this crisis.

Pray for comfort for the families of those who have died unjustly in recent weeks.

Pray for those who are ill and those families caring for loved ones who are sick — for healing, grace, strength, and hope.

Pray for healthcare workers and first responders on the front lines of caring for the sick and dying.

Pray for neighbors to be wise and patient, respecting social distancing and other civic directives, to keep all people safe.

Pray for those who are hurting financially due to circumstances like a job loss, furlough, or a shuttered restaurant or retail business.

Pray for congregations and congregational leaders — for people of faith to be mobilized to serve, give, and do what they can to help others.

Pray for the end of this virus from our city and country — for a vaccine to be discovered and the decrease in new cases and hospitalizations.

Pray for the unity of our city as we move through this crisis together in hope.


Click here to register your congregation’s desire to join the DallasPrays movement or to become a prayer partner. We are praying for 500 prayer partners across our city!

Join these and other leaders/congregations as we pray together for our city.

Kenny Cheshier, Cliff Temple Baptist Church

Bryan Carter, Concord Church

Jeff Warren, Park Cities Baptist Church

Mark Davis, Park Cities Presbyterian Church

Bob Dean, Dallas Baptist Association

Rebecca Walls, Unite Greater Dallas

Todd Wagner, Watermark Community Church

Vincent Parker, Golden Gate Missionary Baptist Church

S. Dianna Masters, North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church

Andy Wileman, Grace Bible Church

MovementDFW, Mark Alexander, Executive Director

Bryan Dunagan, Highland Park Presbyterian Church

Alton Dixon, Faith Church, Lancaster

Sergio Valerga, Iglesia Vive

Ryan Range, Judea Baptist Church

Highland Park United Methodist Church

KWAR Legacy Church

Sonja Samuel, Light the Way International

Northway Christian Church of Dallas

St. Mark AME Zion Church

Friendship West Baptist Church

Albert Martin, Changing Directions Christian Center

God’s House of Deliverance Holiness Church

Faith Cumberland Presbyterian Church

Dorothy Burton, Christians in Public Service, Inc.

Marcus King, Disciple Central Community Church

Luis Juarez, First Baptist Kaufman en Espanol

George King, The Cities of Refuge

Gateway Dallas

Robert Townsend, Mount Pisgah Missionary Baptist Church

Things happen when we pray.

Our city has come together before in the face of crisis. We believe in the power of prayer to calm our hearts, bring healing to illness, and wholeness to our community.

We are one Dallas.

The COVID-19 crisis has touched every segment and every person in our society. People are hurting financially, socially, mentally, and physically. People are also suffering spiritually, wondering about the future and perhaps losing hope. As we pray, we remember that we are one city and one people — one Dallas. We pray for our neighbors while recognizing that we are all in this together.

“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and God saved them from their distress. God brought them out of darkness, the utter darkness, and broke away their chains.”

— Psalm 107:13-14, NIV


Feel free to contact us with any questions or prayer requests.


(214) 205-0752